Graduation is coming!!

before continue, be advised: My english really suck sometimes…

I’m graduating at the end of this year, and i start to develop my graduation project. The idea is to create a machine learning algorithm that uses a neural network (neuroevolution) to generate a behavior tree that can be plugged into a NPC in a game. This may sound quite confusing, but putting in simple words, i want  to create emergent behavior on NPCs by having them experimenting with the space they are in.

My next couple of posts will be about this project…. and since is a bit big, and also far from done, i will be posting about some subjects that are used in the project… and hopefully, we can glue everything together by the end of it.

I’m not intending to create tutorials, but high level explanation about those subjects in a most direct and clear way that i possibly can, so you can implement in any language you may desire.

If you really want a tutorial, with code and all that stuff, please let me know…

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